Welcome To Solid Rock Church Havercroft
Our Vision & Mission - Exalt God, Equip People & Excel Life
What To Expect On A Sunday
Being new somewhere can be intimidating and uncomfortable especially at a new church. At Solid Rock Church we want to help ease your first visit with us. After all we do want you to come back. At Solid church we know that you will find our church family friendly and caring.
Here is what you can expect when you come to Solid Rock at our Sunday services held at 11am.
Dress - We have some people that come dressed in professional attire and some people that come more casual in jeans and trainers. We believe that dress is not the main focus on why we gather and that God is more concerned with our hearts than how nicely we are dressed. Although we do want to be modest in our dressing.
Prayer - We believe in prayer and so we invite you to join us for prayer before the worship service starts. Prayer is a great way of preparing our hearts to meet with Jesus. We usually meet at the community room at 10:45am before service.
Worship - We spend about 40 minutes in worship with a mix of both traditional & contemporary worship music. This is part of our expression of our love for Jesus. We stress on worshipping God in the Spirit and there is always a tangible atmosphere of Gods presence helping our expressions.
Giving – As part of our expression of worship we have a time of giving financially. As a first time visitor you are not expected to give unless you so desire. You are also welcome to give through your bank with a standing order as tithes and offerings.
Teaching - The main part of our gathering is to learn about God through His word. You can always count on a true teaching of God's Word. We will spend about 30 minutes in our time of learning God's word together. Encouraging teaching that understands that "God not only changes a life, He also changes a lifestyle" @PastorZac
Communion - The Lord’s Supper or Communion is often celebrated in weekly worship. It is open to all who are followers of Jesus Christ. The practice of Communion is an important element of our worship. We remember the death and ressurection of Jesus for the salvation of all mankind.
The overall service is just 60-90 minutes in total. If you have any questions regarding Solid Rock Church we would be glad to answer them for you and you can contact us directly for more information.
Children's Sunday school -There are children activities just after worship from teaching of Bible stories to craft and fun sessions, all workers and teams are DBS checked and verified.
Refreshments - We have our own coffee shop with a professional coffee machine why not come and enjoy a coffee with us before and after the service.
Missions Giving - Every first Sunday of the month our giving/offering goes towards helping children in missions around the globe. We support Zimbabwe, Columbia, Sri Lanka, India. In addition we support an anti-human trafficking and slavery organisation called Hope for Justice.